According to the
3rd Quarter Report of
The National Police Misconduct Statistics and Reporting Project, police officers were accused of sexual assault at a rate of 79 per 100,000 law enforcement personal. The rate of accusations for the general public is 28.7 per 100,000 general public. When corrected for gender these numbers tell us that there are 1.5 times more accusations of sexual assualt among male law enforcement officers than among the general male population. The fact that rapists seem to be concentrated among a group of armed individuals who have the purported authority to detain and arrest other individuals should be more than a little alarming for even the most prolific police bootlicker. In just the last month, several stories of officers committing disgusting crimes have been in the news.
Read More Here
On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 12:48 PM, O'Toole, Kathleen <> wrote:
Thanks very much for your message. Rest assured, I plan to hold members of the SPD accountable for ALL forms of misconduct. My top priority is to restore community trust. In order to do that we must demonstrate that we have an effective and transparent disciplinary system.
Again, thanks for bringing your concerns to my attention.
Kathleen O'Toole
July 22, 2014 Kathleen O’Toole Chief of Police Seattle PD
Cc: Mayor Ed Murray, Represenitives Sells, Goodman, Parker, Hope. Q13 Fox News Seattle, Eric Stevick The Everett Herald, Everett Attorney Ramsey Ramerman. Washington State Govoner Officer Philip Debous. Our ATG, Office of Secretary of State. WA State Police Union.
Sent Via: Email & USPS
RE: Police Sexual Misconducts SPD and Washington State
Dear Chief O’Toole.
Hello, Chief O'Toole I hope this finds you well. I am writing you with much concern for our innocent citizens, now the survivors of P.S.M -Police Sexual Misconducts, and with great hope that you, as Chief of the Seattle Police Department, would consider publically denouncing the behavior of P.S.M within the Seattle Police Department and all Washington State PD's.
I also hope that you will consider implementing a “Zero Tolerance” for any Sexual Misconducts/Crimes of any nature within the SPD Policies And Procedures handbooks and manuals. My hope, Chief O’Toole, is that if you were to start things moving towards a “Zero Tolerance” of any P.S.M within the SPD, over time all Washington State Police Departments will follow your leadership and do the same.
As you are aware, there have been a few new public cases of P.S.M within the Seattle Police Department recently. Many have been very disturbing to say the least. The few cases of P.S.M that do become public do not tell the entire story of this underground couture of Badge-Power-Intimidation-Sex within our police departments across our own state of Washington, and our nation.
As the survivor of many forms of sexual abuse in my life, and now P.S.M , I can honestly say that sexual abuse of any kind is bad enough. But when a Police Officer uses their badge and authority to abuse (any form of abuse) it is traumatizing in ways that words can never fully express.
I feel it is time to openly discuss the issue of Police Sexual Misconduct so that we can protect any further citizens from P.S.M. I respect the DOJ and the SPD for all the hard work being done to “reform” a culture of “Excessive Force” and “Racial Discrimination.” However it is not a secret that we have a very serious issue in Washington State and the Nation of our Police using their badges and power over the citizens with the intent of Sexual gratifications.
In closing, Chief O’Toole, I would like to congratulate you on becoming Seattle’s First female Chief, and I have no doubts your skills and experience will show everyone in our Beautiful state of Washington, that Man or Woman, you are the right person for the job.
Again, thank you Chief O’Toole. I do hope you will take this all to heart and give it great consideration.
Sent with best regards

Updated 5:10 pm, Friday, March 13, 2015
Chief Kathleen O'Toole fired a Seattle police officer Thursday for attempting romantic relationships with women he met during the course of his police work last summer.
Patrol officer Peter Leutz, an officer of 10 years, engaged in "repeating and escalating misconduct" by calling and texting women whose phone numbers and home addresses he acquired during routine police calls, according to
his disciplinary action report.
"This was serious and repeated abuse of authority, and an unsettling pattern of behavior," O'Toole wrote in the disciplinary report. "... The damage to the public trust in this department from this type of behavior cannot be overstated."
Office of Professional Accountability investigations uncovered the following incidents from last year:
July 17, 2014: Leutz responded to a report of a stolen bike. After the contact with the female victim ended, he texted her days later using the phone number he collected in the police report. After she ignored him, he called her to ask her to meet him socially, but she declined.
The woman did not file an OPA complaint, but investigators learned of this interaction while investigating subsequent incidents involving Leutz.
The woman reportedly expressed being troubled by the officer's conduct.
- Aug. 4, 2014: Leutz responded to a domestic disturbance call at a residence in the city. A woman and her boyfriend reportedly argued and the woman spent the night outside their apartment waiting to be let back in to see their infant child, according to police documents.
Police determined that no crime had occurred, but Leutz left a domestic violence information pamphlet with the woman.
Within hours, Leutz called the woman on his personal cell and asked her to get coffee with him. During the next three days, he sent her multiple text messages containing comments calling her "cute and sassy" and remarking that he wanted to "hug and comfort" her. Leutz also asked her again to meet him for lunch or coffee and urged her to end her relationship with her boyfriend.
- Aug. 10, 2014: Leutz performed a traffic stop on a woman's vehicle and issued a warning.
About 40 minutes later, he drove to the woman's house in his patrol car and during his shift, having obtained her home address during the stop.
He gave the woman his personal cell phone number. The woman later told OPA investigators she contacted him at the urging of a friend who encouraged her to get a police officer "on her side," reports say.
Leutz sent the woman at least 109 text messages to the woman during the next 39 days - "it appears she sent far less in return," records indicate.
Reports say that most of the exchange took place after Leutz was aware that the previous woman he texted filed a complaint against him for similar behavior.
Leutz's text messages complimented the woman's looks, asked her "did u feel something when we locked eyes" and requested multiple times to meet her in person.
She told Leutz she was separating from her husband, to which Leutz responded with more requests to see her and, "say yes! Go for it...I am!"
The disciplinary report also says Leutz referenced his status as a police officer during times the woman expressed decreased interest in him. At one time, she asked: "am I just some dumb ol' cop to you."
Leutz reportedly admitted to "really unprofessional" behavior.
O'Toole wrote to him, "I do not have sufficient trust in your judgment or faith in your future conduct to ever send you back into the field as a police officer."Leutz earned an annual salary of $93,855 in 2014.