Patty Murray: The Washington State Department of Police...
Had a blast (first time) volunteering at the Washington State Democratic Party 2015 Crab Feed and Grassroots Forum-
Feb 18, 2015 — Had a blast (first time) volunteering at the Washington State Democratic Party 2015 Crab Feed and Grassroots Forum- And hope to continue volunteering when needed #ThurstonCountyDemocrats I have a favor 2-ask of my fellow Washington State #ProudDemocrats & #Republicans for that matter as Police Accountability concerns all of us regardless of our political views & party.
Even our #GoodPolice will honestly tell you #SeattlePoliceOfficersGuild #SeattlePoliceDepartment #SeattleCopBlock The Washington State Department of Accountability will help our #GoodPolice weed out the #BadPolice w/out fear of retaliation from their own.
This is simply a Win/Win for WA State #PattyMurray #GovernorJayInslee ACLU of Washington & the org #NationalAssociationforCivilianOversight of Law Enforcement is what the entire Nation needs #TheWhiteHouse #TheUnitedStatesDepartmentofJustice Time 2-give the ones who suffer from #PoliceAbuse to have a say in what does & what does not get prosecuted and even investigated in the first place. It is time for the #WSDPA "DOPA" and our Voters have made it 100% clear 2-me "We Want This"
Even our #GoodPolice will honestly tell you #SeattlePoliceOfficersGuild #SeattlePoliceDepartment #SeattleCopBlock The Washington State Department of Accountability will help our #GoodPolice weed out the #BadPolice w/out fear of retaliation from their own.
This is simply a Win/Win for WA State #PattyMurray #GovernorJayInslee ACLU of Washington & the org #NationalAssociationforCivilianOversight of Law Enforcement is what the entire Nation needs #TheWhiteHouse #TheUnitedStatesDepartmentofJustice Time 2-give the ones who suffer from #PoliceAbuse to have a say in what does & what does not get prosecuted and even investigated in the first place. It is time for the #WSDPA "DOPA" and our Voters have made it 100% clear 2-me "We Want This"