And you may be shocked to know how many of this are at the hands of our #BadPolice Not kidding. You can simply Google search Police Child Sexual Abuse, or perhaps Police Pedifiles. You all know Google. Just type in any variation. Just remember. Once you do know... You can never Un-Know. Once you know, what will you do? If unsure, please just call, email, go online & tell all your local legislators, we know & want to know what YOU are doing to stop it.
Sep 14, 2018 - A police officer in Texas was arrested this week on charges of child sexual assault, according to a local report.
A former Madison police officer was convicted of sex crimes.
Dec 6, 2018 - HARRAH, Okla. (KOKH) — Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation (OSBI) agents arrested a Nicoma Park Police officer for child sexual abuse.