God Bless our #GoodPolice but the #BadCops Have 2 Go!
Thank You @MarkTreyger718 @chuckschumer @NYGovCuomo @DetKenLang @NYPDnewsFinally There Will Be An End To #PoliceSexualAbuse
WA State @Q13FOX @BillWixey HAS IGNORED @AdamGehrke @gottogetoutof @PattyMurray @ACLU @JayInslee @ACLU_WA @CNN @maddow @Lawrence
'No Fear of Being Caught’ - Many police officials and experts express optimism that the prevalence of cameras will reduce police lying. As officers begin to accept that digital evidence of an encounter will emerge, lying will be perceived as too risky — or so the thinking goes.
“Basically it’s harder for a cop to lie today,” the Police Department’s top legal official, Lawrence Byrne, said last year at a New York City Bar Association event, noting that there were millions of cellphones on the streets of New York, each with a camera. “There is virtually no enforcement encounter where there isn’t immediate video of what the officers are doing.”
Miss Bren's Law-01-07-2012- Mental/Emotional Abuse is Legal Abuse! NOBODY has the right to abuse my body! NOBODY has the right to abuse my brain! We have Many Laws to protect our Body- We have NO Laws to protect our Brain-You had No right to Rape my Body-You had No right to Rape my Brain- My Brain is part of my Body! My Brain is what makes me-me & Nobody has the right to hurt ME! And that means ALL of ME!
Even if this comes from your own Sons. You do Not have to just "take it". You have the Right to say No! It matters none, that you are my own... The pain is the same.
Perhaps... Even Worse
Woo! There's an update #metoo And just in case you are following this case @Q13FOX @BrandiKruse @BillWixey This is HUGE! Not going to add you, Miss Anna, but I hope you see this, Dear #StayStrong & Fight like hell because #ustoo#NoMorePoliceSexualAbuse
Detectives Eddie Martins, 37, and Richard Hall, 32, went to Police HQ Monday and quit the NYPD, a week after being arraigned on 50-count indictment Pair were charged with rape, criminal sexual act, kidnapping for allegedly forcing a handcuffed 18-year-old girl to perform sex acts on them District Attorney's Office says Martins raped the teenager while
Hall watched Hall and Martins, from the NYPD's Brooklyn South Narcotics, did not deny the sexual acts but claimed they were consensual- Read More From Original Post
Thank you so much everyone... I cannot believe I never even checked my Google+. I just assumed that nobody ever noticed these posts, but now I see I was wrong. What a wonderful surprise. For anyone who sees this post 11-11-2017. I did place another call to NY & spoke with a wonderful woman named Vanessa, in Council Member Mark Treyger's office, to discuss his plans for Legislation to Stop Police Sexual Abuse. I then emailed her & added many of the WA State Legislators, Senators etc, who are fully aware of me, and what I've been fighting for, in WA State, the past 8 years. #NoMorePoliceSexualAbuse
Thu, Nov 9, 2017 at 9:58 AM
It was a pleasure speaking with you this am, Miss Vanessa Dear (already found you on Linkedin) I happen to adore the East Coast & just one Christmas, at Time Square, is #3 on my bucket list lol.
As you & I discussed this, but now it is time for NY, to Discuss this with WA State. If NY Council Treyger, can really do this; Can really do what nobody, including myself, have been able to accomplish, I am very sure WA State & California will follow. Hopefully WA State will be 2nd, Rep Goodman!
Please Washington- do not let this opportunity pass us by. I'm begging with all I have left in me. We must take advantage of what NY Council Member Mark Treyger, is now fighting to do in NY. If successful, he will be opening the door for many states to also #StopPoliceSexualAbuse I would hope WA State would be right there with him.
Anna Chambers is the 18 year old (now 19) who was detained, in a NYPD van, in handcuffs, and was, allegedly, sexually abused by Two Narcotics Officers! This has set off a firestorm of NY Lawmakers now screaming for New Laws to make any Police- Sexual Contact with detainees, illegal. I feel we (meaning the United States of America PD's) should remove the word "detainees" and pass new laws umbrella laws. Cops having Sex, on duty, or using their Position/Power of Police Officers, with Sexual Intent, is Illegal... Period! No 1-2-3-4 Innocent Citizens later. No! Our Tax Dollars pay your bills- Our Tax Dollars are not to pay for your Blow Jobs from our Daughters, Mothers, Children! "Anna Chambers" is a very Beautiful, very Young, woman! She cannot be expected to suddenly behave as a 40 year old woman! She does not even know, yet, just how much this will affect her, for the rest of her life. If the "alleged" charges are found to be proved, she is in for hell & no amount of $$$ settlement will change this! He pain, will come- It's inevitable.
The cops — whose DNA was found in “rape kit” tests performed on the teen — have said the sex was consensual.
Martins’ lawyer, Mark Bederow, said about the case Monday: “I strongly caution against drawing conclusions based upon nothing more than allegations that repeatedly are disseminated to the media by a plaintiff’s lawyer.”
The teen’s lawyer, Michael David, said, “We will continue to stand and repeat our demands that justice be served over the most brutal rape and sexual assault ever committed by on-duty officers in the NYPD.”
"It’s completely legal for NYPD cops to
have sex with someone under arrest; this could change that
After two Brooklyn cops were accused of raping detained teen, a New
York politician is proposing legislation"
You are now My HERO, Beautiful Miss Anna~ It's Her,
Mr. Bill @BillWixey She is doing what nobody else could #metoo 🌸This Beautiful, Strong, Young Woman is going to #StopPoliceSexualAbuse
You are going to Bring Change for this Entire Country,
Sweetie~ Thank You... So much, Dearest. Your Courage, Strengths, Your ability
to take a stand and say OH HELL NO! is now going to save so many Innocent
Citizens who have not yet become "the next one" from becoming the
"Next One"~
PUBLISHED: 12:41 EDT, 28 October 2017 | UPDATED: 17:08 EDT, 28 October 2017
Two NYPD cops have been indicted on first-degree rape charges after allegedly having sex with a handcuffed 18-year-old girl inside a police van last month
She says one NYPD detective raped her and another forced her to perform oral sex after she was caught smoking pot in Coney Island
The detectives, Richard Hall and Eddie Martins from the NYPD's Brooklyn South narcotics squad, did not deny the sexual acts but claimed they were consensual
The young woman sought help from NYU Langone Hospital, in New York, after the incident
Two NYPD narcotics officers have been charged with first-degree rape after a teenage girl claimed they assaulted her while she was in handcuffs in Coney Island.
The 18-year-old, who tweets under the name Anna Chambers, alleges that one NYPD detective raped her and both forced her to perform oral sex in a Chipotle parking lot after she was caught smoking marijuana on September 15.
Officers Eddie Martins and Richard Hall are expected to turn themselves in early next week for arraignment, according to the New York Post.
First- To all the Brave Survivors of Police Sexual Abuse... I am so sorry this is happening again. Once again, the Media and this Country, is rightfully upset over the newest discovery of Power, and Sexual abuse.
During a time when Sexual abuse is finally being discussed, publicly & so many who hear of this abuse are taking a stand & saying No! This will not continue! Police Sexual Abuse is still being ignored.
During a time, much overdue, when survivors of Sexual Abuse are coming forward, no longer afraid of the hell they know is coming once they do, and during a time of 24 hour news cycle & social media, where Sexual Abuse is discussed in an open & honest platform, there is one form of Sexual Abuse that seems to stay out of the spotlight... Police Sexual Abuse.
Many of Weinstein's accusers were working in his films at the time of the alleged encounters. "They depended on him for their income, so they were afraid of losing that," Farrow tells NPR.
How is the Harvey Weinstein Sexual Abuse, the Bill Cosby Sexual Abuse, and all the other Sexual Abuse that everyone seems willing to discuss, openly, any different from Police Sexual Abuse. Here is how!
1. The Police Sexually Abuse at a rate higher than any other. Even what I call "Cop on Cop Sexual Abuse".
2. Victims (Survivors) of Police Sexual Abuse, from fear, rarely come forward.
3. Reported cases of Police Sexual Abuse are, most often, never investigated outside of the police department of which the accused officer is employed. Officer Robert W Franklin Everett Police Department. Everett Washington. The #BadCop who hurt me & many other Innocent Everett Woman. Please do read the notes on the Youtube King5 News Report Franklin & The EPD Lied again! 4. The majority of reported Police Sexual Abuse is found "inconclusive".
5. Most states have no specific laws, in their statutes, that pertain to Police Sexual Abuse.
6. The average Victim/Survivor of Police Sexual Abuse will spend the rest of their life scared of the Police.
7. When the Victim/Survivor of Police Sexual Abuse is ignored, mistreated, lied to, threatened etc, after reporting Police Sexual Abuse, and perhaps cannot find a Lawyer or cannot afford to pay one, where can that citizen go for help? Their Legislators? Their Senators? No!
We can no longer Ignore Police Sexual Abuse, and the Brave Survivors of Police Sexual Abuse, who feel worthless, forgotten, ignored, unworthy, as every news media, on TV and online, is 24/7 coverage of every other form of Sexual Abuse, when the only cases of Police Sexual Abuse that ever hit even the local news, are the high profile cases.
Well, just like Cockroaches...
For every one that you do see, there are 100 more that you don't!
(CNN) Daniel Holtzclaw, the ex-Oklahoma City officer convicted of rape and other charges after he preyed on African-American women over six months, was sentenced Thursday to 263 years in prison, as recommended by the jury, according to his attorney.
Prosecutors said Holtzclaw selected victims in one of Oklahoma City's poorest neighborhoods based on their criminal histories, assuming their drug or prostitution records would undermine any claims they might make against him.
Then, he would subject them to assaults that escalated from groping to oral sodomy and rape, according to the testimony of 13 victims. Holtzclaw, whose father is a police lieutenant on another force, waived his right to testify.
Two of those women shared their stories with CNN on Wednesday, recounting horrific memories of being forced to perform sexual acts by a serial rapist with a badge who was supposed to protect and serve.
Darnell L. Moore is a Senior Editor and Senior Correspondent at Mic. He is also co-managing editor of The Feminist Wire and Writer-in-Residence at the Center on African American Religion, Sexual Politics and Social Justice at Columbia University.
On Feb. 10, 2013, 31-year-old sheriff's deputy Cory Cooper pulled over a 19-year-old woman and her boyfriend in Omaha, Nebraska. After finding marijuana in the vehicle, Cooper ordered the boyfriend to toss the drug in the nearby Zorinsky Lake, according to the Omaha World-Herald. While the man was away, Cooper allegedly told the young woman to follow him back to his cruiser, where he asked her to remove her shirt.
The request was reportedly an ultimatum presented to the young woman to keep her boyfriend out of trouble. Cooper then exposed himself.
"All I could think was, 'What am I going to do to get out of this?' Nobody's going to believe me over the police," the victim told theWorld-Herald.
On April 15 of this year, Cooper took a plea deal that will allow him to escape a felony conviction. Despite the traumatizing nature of his crime, he will be served with misdemeanor charges of assault and attempted evidence tampering. He will serve a year in jail but won't have to register as a sexual offender. He still has law enforcement certification, though the World-Herald reports that will likely be stripped soon.
This type of sexual violence by police is more common than it would seem. In fact, though now-familiar scenes of civilians, mostly black men, being beaten, shot or choked by law enforcement have rightly provoked the ire of the American public, sexual misconduct is the nation's second most reported allegation of officer misconduct, according to a 2013 report by the Cato Institute. Nevertheless, broad narratives of police brutality tend to ignore both female victims and the often specific nature of the violence leveled against them in favor of focusing on the highly visible use of weapons to kill men. "Safety, in light of police brutality, means organizing against racial-sexual violence," community organizer Ahmad Greene-Hayes, who works with Black Lives Matter: NYC and Black Women's Blueprint, told Mic. "Police officers can be killers, but they can also be rapists."
Women are subject not only to differential forms of violence by police, but also to entrenched stereotypes surrounding sexual assault, which may further inhibit their seeking justice for this abuse. Anti-sexual assault advocates have long argued law enforcement fails to adequately protect and serve survivors of assault.
As such, "women too often find themselves at the mercy of police agencies that neglect women's safety, whether by ignoring women's allegations of abuse by an officer or making light of crimes reported by women," Deborah Jacobs, a consultant in gender and race policy and police practices, told Mic via email.
This issue may be multiplied for "black women with the least [economic and social] privilege, who live in the most dangerous situations," University of Illinois professor Beth E. Ritchie writes in her book Arrested Justice: Black Women, Violence, and America's Prison Nation. Instead, these women "are criminalized instead of being are supported."
"Police officers can be killers, but they can also be rapists."
Indeed, the force of blue-on-pink violence is compounded by racism and racial disparities within the criminal justice system. The lifetime rate of rape and attempted rapes is higher for black and mixed-race women than it is for white women, and black women were incarcerated at 3.75 times the rate of white women in 2008, according to the Women's Prison Association. Given such an environment, one could reasonably conclude that women of color may be subject to disproportionate rates of sexual violence from law officers.
This collusion of sexual assault, racism and state-sanctioned violence has intimately affected black women's lives. In his 2010 bookon police brutality, for example, author Leonard Moore details the story of a 23-year old black woman who was the victim of an alleged sexual assault by three white police officers in New Orleans in 1959. Moore writes that the victim "identified her attacker [at the arraignment trial] and testified that he removed her pants and raped her and that she did not scream and yell because no one was around and because she had been afraid of police since she was a child." The all-white jury acquitted the three officers.
The issue no doubt has roots in the history of slavery and segregation, and the subsequent social denial of black women's bodily autonomy. "In the segregated American South, a white man could rape a black woman with little fear of legal or social recourse, and black women lived in a persistent state of apprehension," Sheri Parks wrote in theWashington Post.
Los Angeles Police Department Vice Squad In South Central Los Angeles Robert Nickelsberg
This pattern of racialized sexual assault committed by police continues today. Less than a year ago in Oklahoma City, in August 2014, former police officer Daniel Ken Holtzclaw was arrested on multiple charges, including sexual battery, rape and forcible oral sodomy. All sevenof his victims, aged 34 to 58, were black women. Yet there has been no nationwide cry for justice for these horrific crimes.
"In the same places where police-involved shooting deaths of black cisgender men take place, black cisgender and transgender women are pummeled to death, gunned down, sexually harassed and raped," Greene-Hayes told Mic. "However, our movements have only focused on the former. Historically, we have paid more attention to the effects of lynching, for example, for black men, only to deny that black women were also lynched and that there was and continues to be a sexual dimension undergirding white supremacy."
One reason sexual misconduct cases may occur without the same outcry as that against gun violence is the public's unwillingness to recognize women as victimsof police misconduct in the first place. But the silence that results when women are sexually victimized also reflects the more insidious problem of rape culture. Slut shaming and victim blaming are common practices reflecting our society's belief that women are at fault for the violence committed against them. Within a culture that views women's bodies as not belonging fully to themselves, and which denies their full and equal autonomy, men in positions of power — be they police officers like Cooper or former football stars like Darren Sharper — may dehumanize and punish women by abusing their sexuality.
To be sure, this specific incarnation of police brutality is reminiscent of cases of sexual assault among athletes, fraternities or within other masculine-centered spaces. The recent viral segment "Football Town Nights" from the sketch series Inside Amy Schumer skewered the way such spaces may encourage either abuse of power or lack of broader social response in its wake.
Perhaps less commonly, sexual misconduct also impacts boys and men. A 16-year-old named Darrin Manning was picked up by police in January 2014. As he and his friends walked from the subway, police told the Philadelphia Inquirer, one of his schoolmates "caught the attention" of the officers. The students ran, and Manning was apprehended. During a "pat-down," a female officer groped Manning so violently his testicle ruptured, according to the Inquirer.
Certainly, there is a need for the public to insist "Hands Up! Don't Shoot" in the presence of officers. But it's just as important to insist that raised arms are not a sign welcoming sexual assault from a callous officer who doesn't care about the bodies and humanities of women.
So how to fight back? "To stop unfit officers from moving from one department to another, most states can decertify officers who engage in misconduct, curbing mistreatment of women," Jacob said. "Studies of decertification both in Florida between 1976 and 1983 and in Missouri in 1999 found that sexual abuse of women was the most frequent reason for decertification in cases involving public, official misconduct."
We won't be able to stop this specific strain of violence until we first commit to tackling the sexism embedded in American culture. We must insist that violence against women matters because women's bodies and sexual autonomy matter — despite an apparent insistence they don't.
Darnell L. Moore is a Senior Editor and Senior Correspondent at Mic. He is also co-managing editor of The Feminist Wire and Writer-in-Residence at the Center on African American Religion, Sexual Politics and Social Justice at Columbia University.