God Bless our #GoodPolice but the #BadCops Have 2 Go!



Thank You @MarkTreyger718 @chuckschumer @NYGovCuomo @DetKenLang @NYPDnews Finally There Will Be An End To #PoliceSexualAbuse

WA State @Q13FOX @BillWixey HAS IGNORED @AdamGehrke @gottogetoutof @PattyMurray @ACLU @JayInslee @ACLU_WA @CNN @maddow @Lawrence

'No Fear of Being Caught’ - Many police officials and experts express optimism that the prevalence of cameras will reduce police lying. As officers begin to accept that digital evidence of an encounter will emerge, lying will be perceived as too risky — or so the thinking goes.

“Basically it’s harder for a cop to lie today,” the Police Department’s top legal official, Lawrence Byrne, said last year at a New York City Bar Association event, noting that there were millions of cellphones on the streets of New York, each with a camera. “There is virtually no enforcement encounter where there isn’t immediate video of what the officers are doing.”

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

NY WA State California then National No More Police Sexual Abuse

Thank you so much everyone... I cannot believe I never even checked my Google+. I just assumed that nobody ever noticed these posts, but now I see I was wrong. What a wonderful surprise. For anyone who sees this post 11-11-2017.

I did place another call to NY & spoke with a wonderful woman named Vanessa, in Council Member Mark Treyger's office, to discuss his plans for Legislation to Stop Police Sexual Abuse. I then emailed her & added many of the WA State Legislators, Senators etc, who are fully aware of me, and what I've been fighting for, in WA State, the past 8 years. #NoMorePoliceSexualAbuse 

Thu, Nov 9, 2017 at 9:58 AM
It was a pleasure speaking with you this am, Miss Vanessa Dear (already found you on Linkedin) I happen to adore the East Coast & just one Christmas, at Time Square, is #3 on my bucket list lol. 

As you & I discussed this, but now it is time for NY, to Discuss this with WA State. If NY Council Treyger, can really do this; Can really do what nobody, including myself, have been able to accomplish, I am very sure WA State & California will follow. Hopefully WA State will be 2nd, Rep Goodman!

Please Washington- do not let this opportunity pass us by. I'm begging with all I have left in me. We must take advantage of what NY Council Member Mark Treyger, is now fighting to do in NY. If successful, he will be opening the door for many states to also #StopPoliceSexualAbuse I would hope WA State would be right there with him. 

By Michael Gartland
October 26, 2017: 6:37pm 
Anna Chambers is the 18 year old (now 19) who was detained, in a NYPD van, in handcuffs, and was, allegedly, sexually abused by Two Narcotics Officers! This has set off a firestorm of NY Lawmakers now screaming for New Laws to make any Police- Sexual Contact with detainees, illegal.  I feel we (meaning the United States of America PD's) should remove the word "detainees" and pass new laws umbrella laws. Cops having Sex, on duty, or using their Position/Power of Police Officers, with Sexual Intent, is Illegal... Period! No 1-2-3-4 Innocent Citizens later. No! Our Tax Dollars pay your bills- Our Tax Dollars are not to pay for your Blow Jobs from our Daughters, Mothers, Children! 

"Anna Chambers" is a very Beautiful, very Young, woman! She cannot be expected to suddenly behave as a 40 year old woman! She does not even know, yet, just how much this will affect her, for the rest of her life. If the "alleged" charges are found to be proved, she is in for hell & no amount of $$$ settlement will change this! He pain, will come-  It's inevitable. 

It's Not Illegal for NYPD to Have Sex with Someone in Custody. While sex is prohibited between corrections officers and the prisoners they’re charged with guarding, there is no law prohibiting such conduct for police in NYC. One councilman wants to change that.

The cops — whose DNA was found in “rape kit” tests performed on the teen — have said the sex was consensual.
Martins’ lawyer, Mark Bederow, said about the case Monday: “I strongly caution against drawing conclusions based upon nothing more than allegations that repeatedly are disseminated to the media by a plaintiff’s lawyer.”
The teen’s lawyer, Michael David, said, “We will continue to stand and repeat our demands that justice be served over the most brutal rape and sexual assault ever committed by on-duty officers in the NYPD.”
Hall’s lawyer declined to comment.