I did place another call to NY & spoke with a wonderful woman named Vanessa, in Council Member Mark Treyger's office, to discuss his plans for Legislation to Stop Police Sexual Abuse. I then emailed her & added many of the WA State Legislators, Senators etc, who are fully aware of me, and what I've been fighting for, in WA State, the past 8 years. #NoMorePoliceSexualAbuse
Thu, Nov 9, 2017 at 9:58 AM |
It was a pleasure speaking with you this am, Miss Vanessa Dear (already found you on Linkedin) I happen to adore the East Coast & just one Christmas, at Time Square, is #3 on my bucket list lol.
As you & I discussed this, but now it is time for NY, to Discuss this with WA State. If NY Council Treyger, can really do this; Can really do what nobody, including myself, have been able to accomplish, I am very sure WA State & California will follow. Hopefully WA State will be 2nd, Rep Goodman!
Please Washington- do not let this opportunity pass us by. I'm begging with all I have left in me. We must take advantage of what NY Council Member Mark Treyger, is now fighting to do in NY. If successful, he will be opening the door for many states to also #StopPoliceSexualAbuse I would hope WA State would be right there with him.
October 26, 2017: 6:37pm

"Anna Chambers" is a very Beautiful, very Young, woman! She cannot be expected to suddenly behave as a 40 year old woman! She does not even know, yet, just how much this will affect her, for the rest of her life. If the "alleged" charges are found to be proved, she is in for hell & no amount of $$$ settlement will change this! He pain, will come- It's inevitable.
It's Not Illegal for NYPD to Have Sex with Someone in Custody. While sex is prohibited between corrections officers and the prisoners they’re charged with guarding, there is no law prohibiting such conduct for police in NYC. One councilman wants to change that.
The cops — whose DNA was found in “rape kit” tests performed on the teen — have said the sex was consensual.
Martins’ lawyer, Mark Bederow, said about the case Monday: “I strongly caution against drawing conclusions based upon nothing more than allegations that repeatedly are disseminated to the media by a plaintiff’s lawyer.”
The teen’s lawyer, Michael David, said, “We will continue to stand and repeat our demands that justice be served over the most brutal rape and sexual assault ever committed by on-duty officers in the NYPD.”
Hall’s lawyer declined to comment.